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The Journey vs the Success: Carlos Alcaraz Youngest Tennis Player to Reach No. 1 in the World

Carlos Alcaraz the youngest tennis athlete to be number one in the world. This rising star has been nothing short of amazing. Alcarazwon the U.S. Open title September 11 against Casper Rudd. His fire and fight showed Sunday with his ability to cover the court and run after every ball. All about the success...

What you don’t hear about is the journey he took to get here. What you don’t hear about is the struggles he faced rising to the top. I was curious about his struggles and challenges along the way. Many of us see the result and believe an athlete must not fail in order to make it. They must not struggle in order to makeit. They must not lose to make it. Because we see when they make it and miss what comes before.

I found an interview with Alcaraz that I want to breakdown over the next couple of blogs.

In the interview, Carlos Alcaraz speaks about facing struggles and not being special. He mentioned no one ever said he would be the best in the world... and look where he is now.

This alone debunks the tennis youngsters’ beliefs that in order to make it they must always be the best and beat everyone.

I plan to breakdown the interview into the following:

  • Hard work pays off
  • Fears of the toptennis player
  • Working with a sport psychologist

Be on the lookout for what’s to come!

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